Sunday, August 12, 2007

8/12/07 Update- Not happy...

Damn this has happened to me like 4 times in the past two days where people c/r and shove a bare FD at me and hit it vs my lower FD+pair!! no kidding...

One of the luckiest calls I've EVER seen after fishing a spot where I'm almos tnever bluffing him giving him 3:1!

got rele lucky- thought stacks wer deep enough for a c/rai w/ FE, and a good chance he wuz floating

I'm a little angry rite now... when u stop playing HU stars doesn't display the hh nemore...
Vs a rele aggro player HU I rr AK and he calls. Pot is $16. I cbet $14 on the AK5dd flop. Turn is like 6d. BTW he snapcalled flop, looking like Ax or KQ. Neway I shoved turn thinking it was for value, he snapcalled, and turned over the 47dd. Im like wowwww he has the flush this time 90% of the time he makes these thin calls wtf. Then vs an aggro player I been playin back at a lot and taking pots, he opened, I reraised to $11, he reraised to $35, and I shoved the AJo hu. He calls quickly, and to my pleasure the flop is j96, turn 5, riv 6. He has AA!! Yea, with the dynamics of both of these matches, I think I played my hands perfectly for value, and I just got coolered. Sux. Roll=$2k. Yes, It's still nice to double your roll in 3 days or w/e, so I'll hang my head high, but losing 4BI in a 1 hour session doesn't make me happy. Imma go have breakfast, prob not play the rest of the day but maybe a bit.

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