Saturday, August 11, 2007

Final Recap of 8/11/07

Roll- $2450 :)
Status for today: +$750
Feels good to run good... didn't suck out much today at all but didn't get sucked out on, which feels SOO good. Had some sick bluffing opportunities where IDIOTS called me down in PLO when any DECENT player wouldn't have because my lines made sense for the nuts...Neway, can't complain this was a very big day. Feel great; bout to have some chinese for dinner. I'm freakin exhausted I played ~1.5 hour session 6 tables i wuz RELE active I'm very curious about my PT stats. Wish I had it here but I will have it by the 18th!! :)

Interesting hand where h e cbet way too little on the flop- looked like scared AQ or AK so I called flop... yay turn!

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