Tuesday, August 14, 2007


At least the last poker blog since the 18th- sry for all these extra updates!

*Remember I do updates during my sessions and link the interesting hands.

Reassuring to know people still play like this :) http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369160

Obv he'd have AK by the rr size imo- and I don't like his reshove on UTG opener http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369177

He snapcalled WHOLE WAY! http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369174

Good bluff and for metagame... i assume he had a big pair and I liked his bet on turn and knew he was solid enough to fold it http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369185

Well played u dumbass (we've had history of me coming over the top of him, especially light) http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369213

I decided to gamble because there was a 2nd guy in the pot...http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369233 that I could get to fold T8 no redraw

Shoved turn because money in pot...http://www.pokerhand.org/?1369239

fucking hell... a reraise with ATo? snapcalling flop and snapcalling AI on turn for the 3:1 shot on the riv? FCK! (no hh)


Done blogging for now its bad luck- roll is $1300 SOO close to quitting!!!

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