Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sick LHE Comeback and Sick MTT start

Decided to fuck around at $5/$10 LHE games, so I jumped into 3 of them. My roll started at $5800. I started out playing sorta dumb and got stuck 20BB/$200. Proceeded to run VERY well and end up $600. 160 big bet swings in like 30 mins? That's pretty crazy for LHE. Played very solidly- I definitely understand the game very well now IMO. The Cardrunners vids of Shneids have definitely helped. Some principles of NLHE also help my LHE game. I wonder personally how people move from LHE to NLHE because I think there are many aspects of LHE that hinder one's NLHE game. For instance, always betting with A high and overs or gutshot+over in position and all CAN be useful, but most likely if u get c/c on flop and no scarecard hits the turn, it's best to play pot control. There is NO pot control in LHE because people correctly treat A high like it's the nuts, which is correct a decent bit of the time because with good odds people peel gutshots regularly and all. I've learned to make lots of thin vbets I wouldn't normally make in LHE, fold some hands I didn't used to fold, and make bluffs in unlikely spots, figuring with my opponent's range they simply cannot call (A high or small pair) on all overcard board with some connectors and maybe some suits. I've also gotten better at playing mid/small pairs, especially in RR pots. A lot of LHE is running well, but at the same time if you just understand how to bluff and when a hand has showdown value, you can definitely win. I now understand how people can grind even the mid stakes LHE games and can earn a decent living lol.

In the $20k gtd $22 buyin on stars... 939 left out of 1137. Prize order...$4889, $2690, and $1819. Rite now level 25/50 I have 5575 in chips so I'm happy. I'm getting more serious about my MTT game and I'm happy. I think my overall focus is better now since I won that big MTT, knowing that I'm certainly capable of winning or getting a big score without doing crazy resteals and calldowns and whatnot, and more chipping away and playin some small pots. Here's a hand where I doubled up early and I really like my line of donkbetting into this field, assuming at least ONE of them has AK or AQ. I'm sure if they have AQ here there not getting away from it, which is y I bet turn to induce a shove, becuz by some miracle a c/rai mite induce a fold. Luckily I coolered someone, and I'm very ahppy that the guy who made the smallish reraise was a big donk and like never has AA or KK there, but he built the pot for me and set it up so I could double up if I hit my 7.5:1 shot :) Wish me luck in this one... and btw my $4673 score is now on my p5's profile hollaaa.

LHE stats- 36/28/3.4 winning $642.5 @ 18.57BB/100

MTT updates to come-prob will play some more later tonite...

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