Sunday, September 23, 2007

First time I've ran well at night, and feeling VERY well. Ran like complete shit at first then recovered and had a normal mindset (avoided tilting), which definitely shows myself some definite progress in keeping in a proper mental state. Roll is a nice $1950, and I probably earned like $100 in rakeback today, in addition to the $180 from earlier this month.

Decided to call flop and see what develops. I instacalled his turn bet to make it look like I had something like JTxxdd or big draw of some sort. That snapcall on turn allowed him to bluffo ff riv. Ship the 400BB pot! He mucked Axxxdd. Guy instaquit then joined back 5 mins later, then got stacked his first hand when he rr pf and I flatcalled TTJxss, and flopped top set vs his gutshot+FD. He bricked, and I took another $100 from him. He ran SOO well earlier by coolering me and talkin shit in the chatbox. Karma :)

Random sexy call...

I shoulda been doing a powerpoint presentation this whole time... I only have MS Office 07 on my laptop, so that sorta got me to talk myself into playing poker instead of work... lol

Oh, and BTW, fixed my PT problem, and now know what the problem is overall! I don't think i can write to a certain part of the C Drive because it's read-only, so the hh did not save. I now have fixed the problem and will be well on my way to checkin my PT stats. It's a good night... but now unfortunately I'll probably have to work on my PowerPoint some (which I don't really mind because I sorta like working with PowerPoint.

*Pt Stats to come in later session; didn't really play many hands while it was working.

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