Saturday, September 1, 2007

LOL Shotaments and biggest Pot ever for me...

Slightly beats my other biggest hands of all time. In terms of BB, it was a 120BB pot, but at $10/$20, thats ridic significant to me. Oh and btw, beat the LHE games at $5/10 6max for maybe $150, and took hte $10/$20 nl game for like $1250 :). THE Biggest hand of all time for me I believe:

BTW I took a shot at this table cuz i wuz jus screwin around and I saw that all these shorstacking donks came. The table looked so sweetly weak. Grinded up and maybe up about $250 or so at this table and then that hand came up. Very squared on the Q turn because Qx is obviously within his range, and even scarier when river diamond came. I guess he put me on AK because my reraise was pretty big and would shove any non A or K flop. Well, suck it donk. Roll=$12.7k!! Hollaaa

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