Saturday, May 12, 2007

Bustin up the 1/2 game on FTP

Took my first shot at 1/2 today... played great for the most part and ran well... :) What a difference from earlier today shiit! Variance works in mysterious ways... 1/2 PT Stats for today: 822 hands, $720 won, 22BB/100 played 23/17/3.13 (played some hands at .50/1 and won $30)
Roll- $3125
$ until goal- $875
$ since 5/2/07- +$5875
Interesting hands: This guy committed himself preflop by 4betting so I jus shoved... thought it wuz a rele easy fold for him to my 3bet becuz I 3bet him when he opened UTG... obvoius IMO that I had AA or KK...

Lucksacked here... if I wuz the other guy I would have shoved turn personally... instead of calling the turn and calling the river- I wuz about to call then I decided to shove, then I decided to make it more believeable to rep JT by making a pretty big raise; I put him on AK to be honest I jus felt it... I hit one of my 13 outs on riv :)

I wuz sure this guy wuz making a play at me or had a hand like 89dd, so I decided to call and get it in on a safe turn. Then I noticed our turn stack sizes, so I jus called and decided to c a riv and call down since the T scared me a bit at the last second (he wuz a decnet player so I don't no y the T would scare me it meant nothing- he either had set (unlikely), big draw, or making a play.
He checked behind riv; he prob figured I wuz gonna c/c down.

This wuz a tough call for me on the riv, but I decided this guy wuz too overaggro and retarded to chuck the tptk, tho the gutshot for 9T/AT hit, as well as a million diff two pair combos.

Hand where a guy had like a MILLION outs by this turn; I shoved on him b/c he bet $12 on the flop and $12 on the He called off all his chips but he wuz an idiot and he had a million outs so I can't blame him and he hit the riv- only real bad beat this session the other beats were I wuz willing to take flips preflop for 70BB pots with like 33 vs KQ, etc vs idiots who I knew I wuz ahead of... Never got to bust him; he left table before I ended session :-( i wuz targeting him whole time he wuz a monster fish donk

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