Saturday, May 19, 2007

Runnin Not so Hot

Yea, pretty shitty day today. Didn't sleep very well. Woke up, decided to play some poker, though I felt a bit sick. Lost $300 in like.. 40 mins of limit holdem (standard variance at 5/10hu and 8/16). Went for a little and came back; ended up losin like $1k at 1/2nl hu and 6max. It wuz mostly from coolers; no bad beats. I think I'll add another rule- don't play poker becuz its like a job/chore/when bored, but play because you actually really want to compete and feel ok. At least I'm feeling better now, tho I'd rather feel like shit like I did this morning and have that $1200 still I lost this morning haha. I do well at 1/2 the first one or two days when I take a shot with about an ok bankroll, then get shot down the next day/session. Not exactly sure y, but I would assume jus variance. I think it's ok to keep takin sohts and then moving down if you don't run well there for a few days in a row, especially since my winrate is higher at 1/2nl than it is at .50/1. I would also like to hope that there will be some more deep games goin and some more HU; maybe i'll take a break from 6max and play some .50/1 hu or some .40/.80 with $120 buyin. Didn't play bad today imo; jus ran a little bad and got coolered.
Goal- $6k to grind 1/2 nl and be a reg
PT NLHE Stats today: 32/27/2 ( I guess I wuz a little too loose and aggro preflop, while more of a calling station postflop...?) Played 998 hands, ran at -22BB/100. I'm def quittin for today; it' snot my day to win (leanred from last time I had 4k, got down to $3k, then ended up losin another $1k and i wuz PISSED). I still have plenty of time this month to get to $6k, especially since I'll probably be getting between $1400-$1600 this month in rb (make up for a big losing day :)) Hands: Sorta get coolered here; I had the definite intuition to fold the flop, but then I talked myself into calling and sticking it on safe turn. His open shove made it looked like JQ or KJ with high spade, so i called and didn't catch up on riv. Definitely a big cooler here; his quick call on flop looked something like KJ or KQ exactly to me, so I decided to c/r this turn. River wuz PERFECT, because now I wuz ahead of KT as well, so I jus valueshoved after these draws missed. He hit his 2 outer on the turn with 10% equity in the hand to stack me. I woulda called flop too, though if I were him, I woulda reraised preflop for info and to protect hand, in which case I would have shoved my aces, he woulda folded, and I woulda scooped. I woulda won like... $32 instead of losing $200 if he played his hand correctly preflop lol. Looked exactly like he wuz squeezing here; never expected him to have a good enough hand like a pocket pair, so I assumed I wuz small favorite preflop with a lot of fold equity where I could win a decent bit of dead $. Good play with my thought process preflop; very surprised he actually had a hand tho (this guys an idiot neway and rele aggro). Not much I could do her; with his stack size I thought shoving turn wuz good, he had KK. I hit my river straight and wuz rele excited, until I noticed he had a 5th club in his hand (and one that wuz higher than mine).. . grr RELE gay hand; never expected the one guy to have flopped top two and the other to have nut straight. The guy with top two should have raised my bet on the flop, and then the nut striahgt guy reraise/shove. If the guy with the top two pair woulda played his hand correctly, I woulda instamucked. I duno wut I wuz thinking I thought this wuz a fairly easy hand to get away from, though I guess I tlaked myself into them both having something like pair+straight draws, so I decided to gamble for this big pot. I didn't hit my 2 outs and the guy that flopped the straight won a big one. HU cooler- he wuz calling a lot of my preflop reraises early in position. Once previously, he flatcalled and quickly overshoved the flop as well, though I folded. This wuz EXACT same situation, so it wuz even more of a reason not to fold... :-( Great call early in the session here. With these stacks I jus decided to shove; it ended up turning out well b/c my shove looked more like a draw so he called me lighter and I ended up hitting my hand. I knew he wuz weak; j9 or JT wuz exactly wut I put him on. He played his hand so bad, so luck bit him in the ass and he lost the race on that flop when I had 16 outs twice. :)

Bad day but tomorrow I will look forward to probably playing and gettin ready to grind and be prepared to take my next shot. Probably will take 3 days to get to it. From now on btw, if I get below $3500 while playing 1/2, unless im sitting with a MEGAFISH, I'll quit the tables and drop down to .50/1 to help cut my losses if I'm runnin a little badly, tilted, etc.

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