Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ship the comeback!!

Sick- played a short session after finishing a Powerpoint on Carlos Mencia for Spanish. Neway, ran well and played great while coolering people (I did not bad beat or get bad beated once this session :) ). Today, my bb/100 average wuz -2.33, though it says I won $110. In actuality, I won $22 overall LMAO :) So I'm still stuck ~$90 in plo today, which is ok. 37/32/3 were my PT stats
Roll- $2372 :)
Hands: This guy jus kept trying to limp the button on me; hu I mostly don't let people get away with this- I had been raising from the BB fairly often and he finally made a play

Earlier in this session vs the guy from above; I wuz readless and thought he wuz here to jus gamble and KQ wuz about even equity vs a lot of shortys shoving ranges on the first hand lol so I gambooled and it worked out

I played this hand great and read him exactly for the hand he had. By now, I wuz rele beatin him by hittin a lot of hands; his turn calling speed made me know my hand wuz good and he probably had two pair and wuz going to stick it in on a blank river; which is wut happened- didn't put him on top 2; he should have called the turn but folded to the river overshove but he wuz pissed...

Lost $30 of value from him but I don't care; I wuz setting him up b/c I thought he wuz making a play on me (he was earlier a few times in the session), so I jus called and wuz planning on sticking it on the river- he checked to me on the end so I had to vbet- damn he got coolered a little surprised he didn't bet the river himself...?
Even for today- gonna play a little later but continue working some now and makin some plans for tonite- rele feel great about how I played and it's fun to hit some hands and cooler people or let them hang themselves by setting themselves up for later situations early on (AA to A5dd I kept raising from the BB)

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