Saturday, May 12, 2007

Unreal retarded hu session...

2nd time running bad since 5/2/07 so I'm not pissed; to run good in 80% of sessions is still pretty fortunate; this session wuz fuckin retarded tho I ran MISERABLE. I got it in good a lot of the times, especially vs this fuckin overaggro idiot (his name in this hh is fckin idiot, and hte other guy is shthead). The guy that stll has his name wuz a spewy monkey, but wuzn't a complete fuckin tard like these other two...lost $550 even today- coolered in PLO for $225 and lost $325 in hu .50/1 nlhe. In a way I guess this is a blessing? That way I can jus forget about poker for rest of day and work on hw then go out at nite... still gay
$ since 5/2/07= +$4550
I guess to win $4550 at limits no higher than .50/1 in 10 days is a good accomplishment; shit tho in reraised pots there wuz NO FOLD EQUITY vs these guys they'd call off all their chips Ace high and gutshot!?!? They would minraise me on the flop. Looking back on it, the better plan would be to c/rai on flop since they would probably bet with a draw; but I figured that would look so much like a draw they'd call with any pair, or is I could call their flop min raise and openshove any turn (or check when I make my straight b/c they're dumb enough to bet for me)

*With this much money in pot, I wanted to shove and gamble with no FE this time jus b/c I wuz getin kinda pissed...

*once again a guy makes an "expert" call vs me with Ace high in a reraised pot...? Yes buddy, vs a decent draw ur an underdog, you could easily be fucked calling off all ur chips drawing to 6 outs... nh fuckhead

*yea... wtf- this wuz like 4th hand in session this guy wuz just MASHING the pot button so I shoved in with what wuz probably the best hand; he took like 5 secs then called with Q high; he had a nice solid 4 outs to the river (a T or Q of diamodns woul dhave made me flush)- nh miracle fuckin luckbox idiot

FINALLY THIS GUY MAKES A SHITHEAD PLAY AND has misclick equity b/c I'm calling so fast lmao! Now i have a chance to come back? WRONG!

At least I won 2 buyins at least off this guy to counteract my bad luck vs the other two idiots... thi guy wuz pretty spewy and I played near perfect vs him.

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