Monday, May 14, 2007

Grr... very bad day

Bad day today... doesn't help I feel sick too. Yea, lost $1150 in nlhe and won.. $75 in plo ;) lol. Ran at -12.94BB/100 and played 27/24/4.4. Uh, rele looking forward to gettin my rakeback for free $$$. I played RELE aggro today and tried a bunch of stupid plays; raising WAY too wide a range; I shoulda stopped playing like na hour and a half before now becuz I wuz about even. I swung like CRAP today- at $3k now wuz at $4.5k like 45 mins into my 2 1/4 hour session or so. Yea so, gonna drop down to .50/1 and take a shot at 1/2 again when I get to $3500. I'll actually play the 1/2 hu game I'm sure its almost as juicy as the 50/1. Even tho I 9 table, I can get RELE board at 6max and hu I play more sensibly sometimes. Yea; so I noticed my vpip went up by 4% and my pf% went up by 4%. So it's good that I'm not getting more retarded of a calling station preflop, though I'm opening too mnay hands from utg. Not exactly sure y i did this today... yea so 2nd day of running bad in 10 days so w/e it happens. Ran sorta bad, got coolered like hell, never won as 3/2 fav, etc.. First day out of this buy in where I rele didn't play that well tho, so U play bad, u run bad (fuckin karma-like). Roll- $3000
End of may goal- $6000
$ since 5/2/07=+$5750 (nothing to sneeze at; built a pretty decent roll in a little less than 2 weeks)
Hands... Caught a lucky flop and played it great (early session when I wuz playing pretty well)

Can't believe he 3bet me preflop with this hand hu... I guess he got coolered but w/e he shouldn't have 3bet me 56o...

One of last hands of my playing well that I won before I started slipping...

Brief shot at 2/4 that got me unstuck at beginning of session; this guy wuz an idiot :)

Spew by me- of course I ran so bad today I ran into aces like every time I resqueezed; his play looked a LOT like a squeeze tho or AK; and I think my shove folds out AK...? w/e...

Played aweful by me- fairly ez call by him on the turn. I normally pitched this preflop but I wuz gettin great pot odds and wuzn't OOP vs everyone- I should have led flop and c/c turn and then only stuck in $ on the river if I made flush, trips, or two pair. This turn wuz a retarded spew; dunno wut I wu zhtinking...

Yea wtf... cooler? I always fall for this play I guess but wtf... I wuz playing ridic aggro at my tables; raising all sorts of hands and 3betting light; when I got rr I put him on AK-AQ, 99-JJ, and I couldn't even fold. FCk... wut a lucksack he played his hand so horribly he got lucky that he ended up coolering me...

Obviously an expert play shoving with AJs after I reraise an UTG raiser; I snapcall and he lucksacks on me wut a fuckin tard... Put me on pretty bad tilt and got me fairly stuck to end up tilting off more cheese...

Some days poker is the shit other days it is a fuckin reason to have a real shit day. It's ridiculous to think about how wins feel less good than losses Every poker player, including myself, believes they're the unluckiest int he world and only can lose when they run bad/get coolered. Ego has a major part in this; believing as tho poker OWES them something and that they should always get the pot when they stick it in as substantial fav and all. If pretty good players won the money ALL the time, then there would be no fish, and there would rele be no poker game. It would be tough; ur gonna have to take the losses to appreciate the wins. Yea, sux to lose, but to only have a losing day 20% of my sessions is nothing to bitch about. I've played great 99% of the time and ran decently well ~85-90% of the time, so wtf am I bitching about? I still have 3k in profit which is a decent roll, and I made it in 12 days from nothing (loans) from playing .25/.50 and .50/1- so yea, I'll stop bitching. Epiphony over :) I think in a few days I'll get my $500 in rakeback, and I'm hoping to win like 2 buyins at heads up nlhe tomorrow or .40/.80 deep tomorrow; even if I break even and get the $500 in rakeback from last month I'll take a shot with $3500 at the 1/2 hu and MAYBE 6max...? Jus gotta make sure I think a little before I open 89s UTG; 1/2 players vpip is so high compared to their pfr %; so I'll have to take advantage of that and play position more instead of going "gg brain- I'm shoving AJ in this spot since it MUST be a squeeze..."

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