Friday, May 11, 2007

Hands from HU tonite

Hands from KILLER HU session tonite; first tho a hand from me playing rite now jus sorta messin around with idiots... pretty funny...
I jus shoved even though i HATED this flop, jus b/c his minraise looked like Ax or somethin and he probably didn't hit the flop hard, and if i bet he would shove SUCH a wide range I'd be priced sin sso I mite as shove myself- lol @ his call
~~~~Now to the asshauling earlier tonite~~~
I made a great snapcall on river and I KNEW he wuz weak. I wuz almost sure b/c he called so fast preflop he had maybe 88? His call preflop with that hand was abysmal, but his flop flatcall wuz ok. His turn check behind wuz fine. But his river shove was abysmal, and I could c right through it. LOVE FREE MONIES...!

Suck and resuck; very common in HU play- this guy wuz an overaggro donk and I figured if I c/rai on hi here, I would get more $ out of him than if I were to jus bet/call the turn, so I c/rai, he had miracle two pair on turn, i resucked with quite a few outs on riv. He bitched in the chat lol.

Coolered him after playing this hand to perfection, though he played his hand great as well. He got so fuckin lucky next hand when his 25o reraised and I flatcalled him with KK and we got it all in on low flop he had pair+gutshot and turned the straight; he wuz a tilting monkey.

Here's his nice suckout; shit I love people who tilt like this after losing a big pot!! :) not this time :-(

Here I got it in as big favorite on flop, PISSED when I saw turn, resucked with a 10:1 shot on riv :) Justice served..

My ONLY mistake all session; sort of a cooler since by now he wuz tilting and getting frustrated and c/r me on a lot of flops with air and shutting down- I figured he would put me on an overpair and would think I wuz jus unable to call these bets with that... other than this i played 100% perfect against him...

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