Friday, May 18, 2007

Many interesting hands from 5/18/07 session

BTW, ran at 8BB/100 this session. Ok, ridic sick and interesting session today; played better than I ever have in any session in my life IMO (no coincidence...ship it Adherol lol) Unreal sick 1outer in this spot; SO pissed when the Q flopped. WTF at the ridiculously big overshove with the AJs (I thought it wuz AK or like 99 so I snapcalled), and the other guy who flatcalled preflop
flatcalled the shove with KQo!? LMAO! Flopped Q (i started to get tilted now b/c I had taken previous bad beats), then I hit the inconceivable 1 outer on turn (20:1 shot) and actually for the first time in a while jumped out of my chair hahaha.

Sorta a cooler for this guy, my hand looked like a draw sorta... I love my openshove on turn becuz I put him exactly on KQ, MAYBE AQ. I knew he would call on a safe turn since I snapshoved turn, and almost all the time thats a draw at most limits.

I don't particluarly like this guy's limp/call preflop. However, I LOVE his donkbet on flop (overbetting the pot as well- $50 into a ~$38). I had him drawing to like a 250:1 runinng quads shot- I coolered him tho I think my hand and his play themselves.

Valueshoved this river, too bad I didn't get action. He snapfolded so I put him on maybe KT or 9T with a club, and I hate his river bet b/c I call with ANY hand whatsoever except a bluff or semibluff with Axcc...

LOL @ wut he called me with
Losing hands:

Bad readless shove- he had a good stack so I assumed he wuz decent, but I thought he had to fold hand like 77 here- he called pretty quick (i love his raise and flatcalling a reraise OOP with 89o and c/cai on turn beating nothing but a stone bluff) wut an idiot

This hand and another even more ridiculous outdraw happened; this guy played his hand TERRIBLE on every street and lucksacked the river- overcalling preflop q8cc, c/min raising flop (i guess theres FE if I missed with like AQ?), and then bet/calling the turn TINy with mid pair, then lucksacks a Q on the riv for a big pot... :-(

Unreal sick runner runner that happened a little earlier than the hand above... I wuz about to cooler him and flopped gin; he had like... 5% chance at best of winning hand? lol this is so sick... didn't tilt me luckily but made me frustrated and feel cheated; I luckily talked myself into forgetting about this and the hand above becuz of my turn 1 outer in the 3way pot All in with JJ vs AJcc vs KQo.

Thought I played this hand perfect after thinking about it, just missed my hand. He wuz an idiot payoff wizard, and we were deep, and he wuz willing to stick all his money in with jus overpair on RELE coordinated flop, so I jus flatcalled this flop in position (cuz I think he's reraisng a wide range on this flop here if I raise, and I dont feel like getting AI on flop for 400BB pot with good draw vs this idiot). I bet the turn to give myself a chance to win, and thought I had enough equity in the hand and enough implied odds to call the turn c/r... had to fold riv becuz I missed. Wouldn'ta played the hand any differently; lost $50, but at least 1/2 the time if he misses postflop he's folding the turn, and ~40-45% of the time I make my hand and win $200; I wuz wiilling to risk like $50 to win $200 that whole hand so gave myself a chance to win it on the turn when he had air, and play a big pot rele only if I made my hand vs this idiot :)

I can't believe he open limiped button JJ; his flop raise is ok, and his potting turn is ok. I've seen him be so dumb before and he would pay off all day, so I thought my implied odds on turn to call a PSB were good enough to be +EV, even OOP with this big draw. He is a major calling station and I wuz vengeful from when he opened and called a reraise preflop 89, and took it to the felt on the Jxx flop and held vs my AK :-( I like my openshove on river since he's calling with any decent hand IMO becuz he probably knew I was drawing, and he could never put me on backdoor hearts, so I thought it wuz better than jus potting it or even overbetting; I jus INTASHOVED and he tanked and called :) I'm lucky he played his hand so bad preflop- if he had raised preflop with his JJ he would have never gotten stacked...

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